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Entry Policies / Code of Conduct

The South Okanagan Events Centre (SOEC) and the Penticton Vees are committed to providing a safe, comfortable and enjoyable event experience for all fans and event participants. The Fan Code of Conduct and Prohibited List are designed to set clear expectations and create an environment that is enjoyable for all.  We ask all fans to adhere to the Child/Student Entry Policies, Fan Code of Conduct, and to respect the Prohibited Items List in order to meet these goals.

Child/Student Entry Policies:

  • All Children/Students must enter through Gate 1 (main entrance) of the SOEC.
  • Children/Students in Grades 9 to 12 (and up to 18 years old):
    • Must present photo identification (driver’s license, school ID, etc.) to receive a game ticket at the Valley First Box Office and to enter the venue on game night.
  • Children/Students in Grades 6 to 8:
    • Must be accompanied by a parent and/or guardian throughout the game
    • Must present photo identification (school ID) to receive a game ticket at the Valley First Box Office and to enter the venue on game night.
  • Children/Students in Grades 5 and Lower:
    • Must be accompanied by a parent and/or guardian throughout the game.
    • Does not require photo identification to enter the venue on game night.

Fan Code of Conduct:

  • Fans shall be respectful of players, coaches, officials, arena staff, arena property and every other fan in attendance at the event.
  • Fans shall refrain from using offensive language, fighting or taunting one another, making obscene gestures, throwing objects, and/or possessing prohibited items.
  • Fans shall not interfere with anyone else’s right and opportunity to enjoy the event.
  • Fans who consume alcoholic beverages shall do so in a responsible manner.  Fans appearing intoxicated will be denied entry and/or subject to ejection without refund. Two (2) pieces of Government-issued ID required when purchasing, carrying and consuming alcohol.
  • Fans shall comply with the direction and instructions of SOEC staff regarding arena operations and emergency response procedures.
  • Season Ticket Holders/Suite Owners are responsible for their own conduct as well as the conduct of their guests and/or persons occupying their seat or suite.
  • The SOEC is a Smoke Free Facility, this includes E – Cigarettes.
Clear bag policy:
    • The SOEC has a strict clear bag policy for events in the venue, but it has been relaxed for Vees games.
    • All patrons are subject to search

 Prohibited Items List:

  • No Outside Food or Beverage
  • No Professional Cameras
  • No Audio/Video Recording Devices
  • No Weapons of Any Kind
  • No Laser Pointers, Whistles, Glow Sticks, Flash Bulbs or Fireworks
  • No Gang Colours, Large Chains, or Spikes
  • No Obscene or Indecent Clothing
  • No Animals (except for service and guide animals)
  • No Large Bags or Backpacks
  • No Skateboards, Scooters, Bikes, or Roller Shoes

If the Child/Student Entry Policies, Fan Code of Conduct, and Prohibited Items List are not followed, it may result in the responsible party being ejected from the venue and/or having their season tickets, premium seating license, or tickets to any future events cancelled without refund, or may potentially lead to being expelled* from the venue(s) for at least one (1) calendar year.

The South Okanagan Events Centre and the Penticton Vees thank you for your commitment to creating a safe and enjoyable experience for all fans.

Please contact 

*Expulsion includes, but is not limited to, ticketed events including local sports, graduations, minor hockey, lacrosse, Okanagan Hockey Academy, hockey skills camps, figure skating, recreation hockey, etc. that is held at the South Okanagan Events Centre, Okanagan Hockey Group Training Centre, Penticton Trade and Convention Centre, and Memorial Arena.